After all, if you add the joy of parents to the joy of the student, family joy is formed.
The implementation of the organizational decision is carried out using the executive element (W), which determines the mechanism of its implementation (Scheme 2). Similarly to the analyzer Ap, the analyzer of the process of public administration Au should be entered to the circuit of self-organization (scheme 3).
Scheme 2. The contour of self-organization with the executive element W
The principle of adaptation requires consideration of the relationship between changes in the conditions of the external l (t) and internal x (t) environment and the goal achieved. According to D. Gibson [15], the system is adaptive
Scheme 3. The contour of self-organization with the analyzer of the process of public administration Au
Management should ensure that current information on the current state of the facility is obtained, ie that the process is identified; it must compare the current quality of the system with the desired or optimal and on this basis decide to adapt the system so that the quality of its work is close to optimal; and finally, it must make the appropriate modification to bring the system to the optimum. These three functions must be inherent in any adaptive control system. Therefore, to implement the principle of adaptation in the circuit of self-organization it is necessary to enter the meter I (scheme 4).
Scheme 4. The contour of self-organization with the meter I
This will allow to record both negative and positive for the system of public administration changes in the external and internal environment, as well as to establish the relationship between the deviation and the reaction to it. The principle of adaptation complements the principle of metadirection of system actions.
To implement such principles of self-organization as the ability to act, providing for the unity of the parts as a whole, distinguishing between “satisfactory” and “bad” organization, maintaining freedom of choice, to add to the contour of self-organization additional elements and connections are not required, because they are interdependent. principles of metadirection and adaptation and should be implemented in the optimizer R.
The principle of external additions requires an assessment of the quality of the functioning of the management process of the highest bodies of the state. To do this, you need to enter additional feedback loops (Scheme 5).
Scheme 5. Contour of self-organization with additional contours
Thus, the circuit of self-organization will include analyzers of social processes Ap and the process of public administration Au, meter of changes in external and internal environment I, optimizer R and executive element W. Such circuits should be in each subsystem of the general system of public administration.
In conclusion, it should be noted that in this article the focus was only on the general structure of the contour of self-organization, which in itself never arises, but can be implemented only in an organizational way.
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In the material on the stated topic from the experience of the author writes that the main purpose of primary general education is the comprehensive development and education of personality through the formation of students’ desire and ability to learn, full speech, reading, computing skills, healthy lifestyle skills |
Article “Formation of key competencies of junior schoolchildren in the context of today’s challenges”
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The modern school faces the task of educating a person capable of life-creating activities. Such a person will be able to choose the right path in life given their own capabilities; will set itself the task of self-improvement and self-development, which will be the key to success in various fields. The modern world makes high demands on human activity, only a truly competent person can be competitive.
The main purpose of primary general education is the comprehensive development and education of personality through the formation of students’ desire and ability to learn, the formation of full-fledged speech, reading, computing skills, skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle. During the years of study in primary school, students must acquire sufficient personal experience of the culture of communication and cooperation in various types of educational activities, self-expression in creative types of tasks.
Acquisition of general educational and target competences of activity is the foundation of further successful education of a student in primary school.
In the introduction to the “Program for secondary school.
(Grades 1-4) it is noted that the life skills of junior students include:
organizational skills (students’ mastery of rational ways of organizing their own learning); general cognitive skills (ability to observe, reflect, memorize and reproduce material); general speech skills (basic elements of listening and speaking culture); control and evaluation skills (mastering by students of methods of check and self-check, estimation of the received results).
Early school age is decisive in the further development of personality and the formation of basic competencies.
Based on the laws of child development 6-10 years, the strategic task of the school is to create conditions for the full holistic development of the child and its self-actualization.
Everyone knows the truth – elementary school children love to learn, but often forget children love to learn well! And so the main task of the teacher – to create conditions that will ensure the child’s success in learning, a sense of joy that “I know” “I can”.
The teacher needs to organize learning activities in such a way that everyone (necessarily everyone) feels the power of inspirational success. After all, it is failures in learning that lead to the fact that the student begins to lose faith in himself, in his abilities. And the teacher must support the student in time, praise even for an insignificant step towards cognition.
It is possible to create a situation of success for each student through the formation of key competencies. And we, teachers, should not forget the words of VO Sukhomlinsky: “There is success, there is a desire to learn. This is especially important in the first stage of learning – in primary school, where the child can not overcome difficulties, where failure brings real grief. “
VO Sukhomlinsky’s “School of Joy” became an example for me of how to lead a child up the stairs so that he would not feel tired, he wanted to learn to create.
I work according to the formula “Learning is easy when learning is interesting”.
Leading ideas:
the lesson should be interesting, with the necessary didactic material; presentation of material is available; search for truth; development of abilities; use of interactive technologies, development of coherent speech.
I often teach non-standard lessons:
lesson – travel, lesson – competition, lesson – quiz, brain – ring, search, lesson – fairy tale, final lessons “The smartest”.
Every child has conscious (and unconscious) natural spiritual needs that require immediate or gradual satisfaction, embodiment in some area of experience, feelings or activities. But in order for a spiritual need to be realized, one must learn to become competent in the desired field. Thus, there is a need for the formation of certain competencies. It is the success of meeting the natural needs of students that will make them competent and Creating a situation of success creates joy. And if the child is smiling during the day, it is evidence that he feels his importance as a person, as the need of the whole team and all this works for a positive result in achieving the goal. After all, if you add the joy of parents to the joy of the student, family joy is formed. And it is the basis for creative cooperation of the teacher with the student, with parents. This joy, created by the situation of success, is the key to the child’s success, achieving high results and applying this knowledge in the later life of the child.
The formation of key competencies is implemented in educational fields and subjects. In this case, each subject ensures the implementation of those components of the content of key competencies, for the formation of which has the necessary conditions.
There are significant opportunities in primary school, especially in the first and second grades, for conducting games-exercises and games-exercises. Yes, in literacy lessons, for example, with the help of the game-exercise “Magic bag” (options “Magic jug”, “Magic box”, etc.), I consolidate a variety of skills and abilities. The set of items in the bag, of course, is different, depending on the topic and purpose of training. These can be toys whose names contain the letters or syllables being studied; small items that need to be described, etc.
Working creatively in lessons, I use elements of competition: who will name more words, guess riddles, perform tasks best, calculate faster, and so on.